Webinars and Listening Sessions
FVPSA Administrators Webinar: Impact of COVID on Sexual Assault Survivors (12/8/21)
FVPSA collaborated with NAESV, SCESA, and Ujima for a webinar to share information about their organizations and to provide strategies and technical assistance for State Administrators to support local, culturally specific sub-grantees. 48 participants joined the call. Passcode: e6%^cy6D
Administering American Rescue Plan Sexual Assault Funds (1/26/22)
This webinar was an opportunity for grantees to ask questions about the ARP sexual assault funds, peer share and obtain support about their implementation strategy. Passcode: e6%^cy6D
FVPSA SA Funding Allowable Cost Video/Webinar
FVPSA State Administrators SA TTA Webinar & Listening Session (3/28/23)
TA providers from MIWSAC, Mujeres, NAESV, NAPIESV, and SCESA
Strong Foundations for Meaningful Sexual Assault Services (9/2023)
Sexual assault service programs and funding administrators are charged to grow and strengthen their ability to support survivors by seeking learning opportunities to expand their knowledge and capacity to serve sexual assault survivors of varying backgrounds and experiences. During the webinar, we will discuss advocacy 101 for sexual assault survivors, the lessons learned from the national Sexual Assault Demonstration Initiative (SADI) and ways to fund and support the critical work for sexual assault survivors in your states and territories.